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Preventative Medicine Specialist

Grayhawk Family Practice

Concierge Medicine located in Scottsdale, AZ

If you want to stay healthy and enjoy a long, thriving life, preventive medicine is the best way to achieve your goals. The doctors at Grayhawk Family Practice work closely with each patient, assessing their current health and their risks for future problems, then developing a plan to maintain their wellness for the long run. Call the office in Scottsdale, Arizona, or schedule an appointment online to receive the support you need, ranging from nutritional guidance and naturopathic therapies to comprehensive medical care.

Preventative Medicine Q & A

How do I obtain preventive medicine?

Annual wellness exams are vital for preventive medicine because they give your doctor at Grayhawk Family Practice the opportunity to identify early signs of disease before it has time to further develop.

If you schedule a preventive exam only every few years, the disease may progress to a full-blown problem before it’s diagnosed. At that point, chronic diseases can’t be prevented or cured, they can only be managed with chronic care.

What preventive medicine services are available?

Your doctor at Grayhawk Family Practice completes a thorough assessment of your health, performing a health risk assessment, and ordering lab tests to find changes in your biochemistry.

A few examples of the services typically provided during a preventive exam include:

  • Complete blood workup to screen for thyroid, heart, kidney, and liver problems
  • Nutrition assessment
  • Weight loss management
  • Well-child exams and developmental screening
  • Women’s health (pelvic and breast exams and Pap smear)
  • Men’s health (prostate cancer screening)
  • Cancer and other health screenings

Once your exam is finished and your lab results are in, your doctor works with you to develop a treatment plan that incorporates a variety of therapies that meet your needs, such as lifestyle changes, botanical medicine, physical medicine, and prescription medications.

What role does nutrition play in preventive medicine?

Nutrition forms the foundation for your health, yet many patients have undiagnosed nutritional deficiencies. These deficiencies occur for many reasons. For example, you may need more than the normal amount of vitamins and minerals if you engage in strenuous athletic activities or your body needs to heal an injury or illness.

The team at Grayhawk Family Practice offers nutritional and dietary counseling and recommends high-quality supplements to fill in nutrient gaps:


Metagenics® offers a wide range of nutritional products that are specially formulated to target many specific health concerns, including children’s health, cardiometabolic health, gastrointestinal health, sports nutrition, stress management, and musculoskeletal health.


Wellevate products include numerous nutritional supplements as well as naturopathic and integrative therapies such as herbal supplements for your joints and herbal hormone support.

Ortho Molecular Products

Ortho Molecular produces high-quality supplements, testing all raw materials for active ingredients and ensuring each product contains the dose specified on the label.

Preventive medicine is made more convenient with concierge services at Grayhawk Family Practice. If you need to schedule a preventive exam or you’d like to learn more about how concierge medicine provides 24/7 access to your doctor, unlimited visits, and virtual visits, call the office or book an appointment online.