Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The American Cancer Society recommends that women begin breast cancer screening with mammograms around age 40 and commit to getting yearly mammograms by age 45. While women aged 55 and older may switch to screening every two years, routine screening every year is the best way to prevent breast cancer1.
Here are six reasons why mammograms are important:
A lump can’t always be felt. Mammograms can find breast cancer long before you or your doctor would be able to feel a lump in your breast. By the time that happens, breast cancer is already growing, spreading, and harder to treat1.
When caught early at a non-invasive stage, breast cancer can be 99% curable1. While mammograms can’t prevent breast cancer, they can help detect it early when there are more treatment options—and before it spreads to other parts of the body.
A mammogram can save your life—and your breasts. When breast cancer is detected early, you probably won’t need a mastectomy, or surgical removal of the affected breast(s).
Your risk of developing breast cancer increases as you age—even if no one else in your family has it.
Mammograms are quick and easy. The entire process takes about 20 minutes.
Mammograms are covered by most insurance plans.
In conclusion, mammograms are an essential tool for detecting breast cancer early when treatment is most effective. They are quick, easy, and covered by most insurance plans. If you’re a woman over 40, talk to us about ordering your mammogram today.